You only need to look at the size of the body. Female elephant ear bettas have short and wide bodies, while males have longer bodies.
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19 1 2 2
17 1 2 2
56 1 3 2
12 1 2 2
15 1 1 2
24 1 1 5
You only need to look at the size of the body. Female elephant ear bettas have short and wide bodies, while males have longer bodies.
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The Elephant Ear Betta, commonly known as Dumbo betta, is the most unique type of betta fish. It has a distinctive tail and pectoral fins, which are more prominent than other betta. Dumbo betta has a fairly peaceful personality which makes it a great tank mate with other aggressive species, such as rainbowfish or tetras.
Koi Betta
Halfmoon Betta
Plakat Betta